Welcome to Porters Lake

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Porters Lake Nova Scotia Map

Interested in visiting Porters Lake?   Get directions on how to get here by car or Metro transit. In case you want to warp in our GPS coordinates for Porters Lake are:  44.7374° N, 63.3110° W.

Porters Lake Nova Scotia - Photographer - Rhonda Frank
Playing Here

Porters Lake has lots of nearby shopping and attractions. Learn more about local shopping, parks, trails, beaches, museums, galleries and other places of interest in and around Porters Lake.

Porters Lake Nova Scotia - Photographer - Rhonda Frank
Staying Here

From May to October Porters Lake Provincial Park is available for camping with 10 Serviced Campsites, 42 Unserviced Campsites, and 28 Walk-In Campsites. For more information, visit Nova Scotia Parks.